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Bitwarden Case Study Deck

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  2. Bitwarden Case Study Deck

Why Bitwarden?

Protect your company while simplifying your employees day

  • As the manager of a business or a businesses’ security, you have to weigh the risks and benefits of any solution you purchase and implement. Some security tools offer protection but compromise on usability, while others are able to accelerate user workflows. This means you need to evaluate productivity costs as well.

  • Collections and user groups enable easy and secure sharing of logins and vault items across teams requiring access. Consider social media accounts that frequently offer only a single login, and being able to share that safely across a team. Likewise credit card info can be shared with just the right team members.

  • Password managers save you time by managing passwords, a simple enough proposition with outsized benefits. Generate and store passwords quickly, and autofill them into a login page with just one keypress. Save time from physically typing it in, but also from retrieving the password from a computer document or sticky note, or having to reset the password when it’s forgotten. Add in sharing with teammates, and these time savings compound quickly.

  • Discussing potential security risks is crucial. 54% of businesses have faced cyber attacks, highlighting the real threat. The average cost of a data breach for U.S. firms is $9M, as per IBM and Ponemon Institute's 2021 report. Here, we delve into hidden and real costs.

CNET Best Password Manager 20224 Gold Medal Winner and Industry Leader 2022 & 2023

US News & World Report Best Password Manager 2021 & 2022

Highlighted features

Bitwarden Free Family Plan

  • All users invited to an Enterprise organization receive a free Bitwarden Family Plan ($40 value) for the duration of their involvement with the company’s Enterprise organization.

  • If removed they still have the free family plan until their employers renewal date.

Bitwarden On Premises

  • Bitwarden allows you to deploy the solution on your own servers.

  • Amongst the top of the Password Management industry, all of the most renowned solutions are strictly SaaS solutions. 

  • Bitwarden offers both for the flexibility to our users as well as a point of emphasis to lead not just the SaaS Password Management industry, but the Password Management industry as a whole. 

  • Solidifying Bitwarden as the Industry leader year after year

SSO with Trusted Devices

  • SSO with trusted devices allows users to authenticate using SSO and decrypt their vault using a device-stored encryption key, eliminating the need to enter a master password. 

  • This allows for the most seamless approach to accessing your vault items while maintaining the highest level of security

Carrier Global

An enterprise decision


Deciding Factors:

  • A password management company that could handle the size of their enterprise. 

  • Industry leader

  • Most optimal level of security 

  • The right business partnership from the relationship and accessibility of the Account Executive to the CEO.

“On partner identification the first step here is what anyone would do. We went and found the leaders in the industry and for us leaders didn't just mean the people with the best technology, but really the people who could support an enterprise of our scale. Carrier is a very large enterprise and we wanted to make sure that they had global reach, etc.”

“At the end of the day our selection came down to partnership and it was really about selecting a business partner to move us forward in our quest for better security.”

“On partner identification the first step here is what anyone would do. We went and found the leaders in the industry and for us leaders didn't just mean the people with the best technology, but really the people who could support an enterprise of our scale. Carrier is a very large enterprise and we wanted to make sure that they had global reach, etc.”

Ed Horn, Software Product Manager at Carrier Global


The factor of open source


Deciding Factors:

  • Ability to assist global team in 20+ countries, each with their own Bitwarden organization.

  • Easy to use

  • Open source foundation for both practical and ideological perspectives.

“The implementation with SSO was actually easy to use. We had other options which were not really easy… another of the big [factors] was the open source for us. It's both practical and an ideological position. Whenever we can, we will go for open source.” 

“The implementation with SSO was actually easy to use. We had other options which were not really easy… another of the big [factors] was the open source for us. It's both practical and an ideological position. Whenever we can, we will go for open source.” 

“We want to strike a good balance. Good security, but easy to use and that's where Bitwarden came in.” 

Ernesto Berger, Greenpeace

About our clientele

Regardless of the Bitwarden clients type of work, each of them benefits from the open source approach to trust, accountability, and security.

Who Bitwarden services

  • Millions of users worldwide

  • Tens of thousands of business clients worldwide

  • Bitwarden is deployed throughout every continent on the globe

Wählen Sie den Tarif, der Ihren Bedürfnissen entspricht



pro Monat

Für immer kostenlos

Holen Sie sich einen Bitwarden Datenspeicher

  • Unbegrenzte Geräte
  • Verwaltung von Zugangsschlüsseln
  • Sämtliche Hauptfunktionen
  • Immer kostenlos

Teilen Sie Objekte im Datenspeicher mit anderen Nutzern


Less than$1

pro Monat

10 EUR mit jährlicher Rechnungsstellung

Genießen Sie Premium-Funktionen

  • Bitwaren Authentifikator
  • Dateianhänge
  • Zugang im Notfall
  • Sicherheitsberichte und mehr

Teilen Sie Objekte im Datenspeicher mit anderen Nutzern



pro Monat

Bis zu 6 Nutzer, 40 EUR mit jährlicher Rechnungsstellung

Sichern Sie die Logins Ihrer Familie

  • 6 Premium-Konten
  • Unbegrenztes Teilen
  • Unbegrenzte Sammlungen
  • Speicher für Ihre Organisation

Teilen Sie Datenspeicher-Objekte zwischen sechs Personen

Die angezeigten Preise sind in EUR und basieren auf einem Jahresabonnement


Widerstandsfähiger Schutz für wachsende Teams


pro Monat/per Nutzer

Teilen Sie sensible Daten sicher mit Kollegen, über Abteilungen hinweg oder im gesamten Unternehmen

  • Sicherer Datenaustausch
  • Ereignisprotokollüberwachung
  • Verzeichnisintegration

Beinhaltet Premium-Funktionen für alle Benutzer


Erweiterte Funktionen für größere Organisationen


pro Monat/per Nutzer

Nutzen Sie erweiterte Funktionen wie Unternehmensrichtlinien, passwortloses SSO und Kontowiederherstellung.

  • Unternehmensrichtlinien
  • Passwortloses SSO
  • Kontowiederherstellung

Enthält Premium-Funktionen und einen kostenlosen Familientarif für alle Nutzer

Angebot anfordern

Für Unternehmen mit Hunderten oder Tausenden von Mitarbeitenden – fordern Sie ein individuelles Angebot an und erfahren Sie, wie Bitwarden bei Folgendem helfen kann:

Unternehmen mit Hunderten oder Tausenden von Mitarbeitenden können unser Vertriebsteam kontaktieren, um ein individuelles Angebot zu erhalten und zu erfahren, wie Bitwarden Ihr Business unterstützen kann:

  • Verringerung des Risikos im Internet
  • Steigern der Produktivität
  • Nahtlose Integration

Bitwarden lässt sich an jede Unternehmensgröße anpassen und bringt Passwortsicherheit in Ihre Organisation

Die Preise sind in USD angegeben und basieren auf einem Jahresabonnement.

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