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October 2021 Spotlight: Cybersecurity Awareness Month

Welcome to the Bitwarden October newsletter, featuring product and company announcements, upcoming events, and top social fan favorites.

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  2. October 2021 Spotlight: Cybersecurity Awareness Month

Featured Article

Cybersecurity Awareness Month Blog Banner - Cybersecurity Awareness Month Blog Banner
Cybersecurity Awareness Month Blog BannerCybersecurity Awareness Month Blog Banner

It’s Cybersecurity Awareness Month and we’re celebrating by sharing several resources to help everyone stay safe online! We’ll be posting daily tips on how to #BeCyberSmart, including how to transmit encrypted data securely, enable two-factor authentication across accounts, and more. Follow along in our Cybersecurity Awareness Month Resource Hub.

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More Bits and Bites

SOC2 Password Requirements
SOC2 Password Requirements

The Service Organization Control 2 or SOC 2 audit demonstrates the use of adequate systems access controls for protecting and securing sensitive data at all times. Evaluation criteria also includes password security. To learn more, read this article.

Q&A: Passwords and Startups
Q&A: Passwords and Startups

Craig Pearce, an entrepreneur behind several successful startups, reveals an interesting use case for a password manager. When selling a company, Craig says it’s all about smoothly handing over the keys (or master password). Read the Q&A for more information.

FIDO2 Support for Mobile
FIDO2 Support for Mobile

A recent Bitwarden release now supports the use of FIDO2 hardware security keys on mobile for two-step login. You can also set Bitwarden to remember your device for 30 days once your identity is verified through the FIDO2 Webauthn protocols. To learn more, read the blog.

Industry News

Industrie Nieuws
Industrie Nieuws

A Case of Ransomware “Fowl” Play

An investigation following a ransomware attack of a farm-service provider revealed several hundred incidents of breached credentials. Some passwords such as ‘chicken1’ were reused several times, allowing hackers to easily gain access. It’s a strong reminder to not “chicken out” on using a password manager with vault health reports which identify exposed or reused passwords. Read this article for more on the Fowl Ransomware Attack.

Upcoming Events

Weekly Demo Live
Weekly Demo Live

Live Weekly Demo

Every Wednesday, 9 am PT/ 12 noon ET

Participate in a product tour and open Q&A for the Bitwarden Teams and Enterprise plans. We also offer an on-demand demo available 24/7.

Top Social Fan Favorites

You play an important role in contributing to a world free of breaches and hacks by sharing your knowledge and experience. Here are a couple of recent fan-favorite posts.

A Twitter Thread on Making the Switch

A Twitter Thread on Making the Switch
A Twitter Thread on Making the Switch

A LinkedIn Post Featuring A Familiar Face

A LinkedIn Post Featuring A Familiar Face
A LinkedIn Post Featuring A Familiar Face

That’s it for now. Let us know what you think about this newsletter including potential topics you’d like to see.

Until next time,

Team Bitwarden

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Tot 6 gebruikers, $40 jaarlijkse rekening

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  • 6 premium-accounts
  • Onbeperkt delen
  • Onbeperkte collecties
  • Opslag van de organisatie

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Veerkrachtige bescherming voor groeiende teams


per maand/per gebruiker, jaarlijkse rekening

Deel gevoelige gegevens veilig met collega's, afdelingen of het hele bedrijf

  • Gegevens veilig delen
  • Gebeurtenislogboekbewaking
  • Gidsintegratie

Inclusief premium functies voor alle gebruikers


Geavanceerde mogelijkheden voor grotere organisaties


per maand/per gebruiker, jaarlijkse rekening

Gebruik geavanceerde functies zoals bedrijfsbeleid, SSO zonder wachtwoord en accountherstel.

  • Bedrijfsbeleid
  • Wachtwoordloze SSO
  • Account herstellen

Inclusief premium functies en gratis gezinsplan voor alle gebruikers

Een offerte aanvragen

Voor bedrijven met honderden of duizenden werknemers, neem contact op met de verkoopafdeling voor een offerte op maat en ontdek hoe Bitwarden kan helpen:

  • Cyberbeveiligingsrisico's verminderen
  • Productiviteit verhogen
  • Naadloos integreren

Bitwarden schaalt met elk formaat bedrijf om wachtwoordbeveiliging naar uw organisatie te brengen

Prijzen worden weergegeven in USD en zijn gebaseerd op een jaarabonnement

Vergroot uw kennis op het gebied van cyberbeveiliging.

Meld je aan voor de nieuwsbrief.

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